Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Citaldoc, your artificial intelligence-based telemedicine platform for medical guidance! Before using our services, we ask you to carefully read the following terms and conditions. By accessing or using Citaldoc, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions in their entirety.


      1. Medical Guidance Service:
        Citaldoc functions as a health assistant providing medical guidance based on artificial intelligence. It is important to understand that the guidance offered by Citaldoc does not replace traditional medical care. We strongly recommend that users consult with a qualified healthcare professional for diagnoses and medical treatments.

      1. Limitations of Artificial Intelligence:
        You acknowledge and agree that artificial intelligence has inherent limitations. Although Citaldoc strives to provide accurate guidance, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or suitability of the information provided. Users are responsible for using the guidance provided responsibly and should always consider the limitations of artificial intelligence.

      1. User Responsibility:
        It is the user’s responsibility to formulate inquiries clearly and precisely to avoid misunderstandings. Users should also understand that Citaldoc is not a service for addressing medical emergencies and should not be used in situations of medical emergency. Citaldoc is not liable for damages arising from the misuse of the platform.

      1. Referral to a Medical Professional:
        Users are strongly encouraged to have a referral medical professional for assistance. Citaldoc cannot guarantee the continuity of medical care and is not responsible for the lack of medical follow-up by the user.

      1. Usage Cost:
        The use of Citaldoc incurs a non-refundable cost in case of user dissatisfaction. Details regarding prices and payment methods will be available on the platform. This cost is necessary for the maintenance and continuous improvement of the platform.

      1. Data Protection and Privacy:
        Citaldoc is committed to protecting the privacy and security of users’ personal data. The collection, use, and protection of data are governed by our Privacy Policy and Data Protection Laws Compliance. No use will be made of users’ sensitive health data.

      1. Dispute Resolution Procedure:
        In case of disputes between Citaldoc and users, a detailed and fair dispute resolution procedure will be followed, which may include mediation or arbitration as necessary.
        Any legal matters involving jurisdiction should be addressed within the courts of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
        The jurisdiction of the courts in Buenos Aires is established by law, and any legal proceedings must adhere to this jurisdictional requirement.
        Therefore, it is essential for parties involved in legal disputes or seeking legal remedies to file their claims or initiate legal actions within the appropriate courts in Buenos Aires. Failure to do so may result in procedural complications or even dismissal of the case.
        Thus, it is in the best interest of all parties to comply with the jurisdictional rules and pursue legal matters within the designated courts of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

      1. Terms and Conditions Update:
        Terms and conditions may be updated occasionally. Updates will be communicated to users and made available on the platform for review.

      1. Clarity on Usage Cost:
        In addition to mentioning that the cost is non-refundable in case of dissatisfaction, we will provide clear details on prices, subscription plans, and available payment options.

      1. Information on Healthcare Professionals:
        A section detailing the qualification and experience of the healthcare professionals supporting the medical guidance provided by Citaldoc will be added.

      1. Legal Notice on Medical Emergencies:
        A clear and prominent notice will be included indicating that Citaldoc should not be used in medical emergency situations and that emergency medical care should be sought when needed.

      1. Terms of Use for Minors:
        Special usage conditions for minors will be established, including the need for parental or guardian consent.

      1. Limitation of Liability:
        Citaldoc is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages that may arise from the use or inability to use the platform, even if we have been informed of the possibility of such damages. These damages may include, among others, data loss, service interruption, or reputational damage.

      1. Intellectual Property:
        Citaldoc owns all intellectual property rights to the platform and its content. Users retain copyright to the content they generate, but grant Citaldoc a perpetual, worldwide license to use, modify, adapt, and distribute such content in connection with the provision of platform services. Data collected by the platform is the exclusive property of Citaldoc and will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

    By using Citaldoc, you agree to these terms and conditions.
    If you have any questions or concerns about these terms, please feel free to contact us.

    Thank you for trusting Citaldoc for your A.I. medical guidance.